Monday, February 15, 2010

blog email address changed

Hi all,

Related to the latest spam messages, I changed the email address tag
that we use to send messages to AULO blog and through that to AULO
members. Here it is the new post address,
. I changed the settings, so now members can send messages to AULO
again. If we get further spam messages, sorry for that in advance
first of all, I will change the email and blog name.



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

sorry for the latest spam messages

Hi all,

I tried to filter spam messages but seems like we are really in
trouble, sorry for the latest spam messages blocking your emails. Now
I changed the settings so that only I can send message to AULO, lets
see if this will stop the spam msg, later we have to find a way to
solve this issue.


Monday, February 8, 2010


Hi all,

Recently AULO received two spam messages, now I banned them for any
future attempts, seems like somebody tries to attach AULO members, I
will try to take care about that :)

